New narratives in social media
The dynamics of synergy
A brand is a complex system whose different expressions must be continuously fed into a properly studied and planned future. In this sense, all the communication in the social media of Monólogo is structured based on a constant synergy in which each new post in the different networks is an expression of the values and the sense of the aesthetics of the brand that adds new perspectives to its global identity.

Humour is the answer
Theatre of the Absurd, Surrealism, Dadaism and Pop iconography delimit the conceptual framework of the universe that we have created for Monólogo. In this parallel universe, wine bottles are the central characters of a limitless narrative in which to express all the unprejudiced and unconventional philosophy of the brand. The series Colourland, Lilliput Attack! and Flying Hands are a good example of these stories that have the product itself as a creative epicentre.
“The man that cannot visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiot.”
André Breton

Colour is powerful
The use and treatment of colour is one of the basic and most inseparable elements of the whole territory that we have designed for Monólogo. The intense colours, from the neon of the labels themselves to the backgrounds of any element of communication of the brand, define the visual frame of the Monólogo’s world. The colour brings visibility and identity and, in addition, adds a further level of expression of brand’s values. All these contents of Monólogo’s social media, from illustrations and photographs to motion graphics and 3D modelling are conceptualized, created and made by THIS is UMAMI.